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Chernobyl lectures
            Video recordings:
      chemical vs nuclear energy, energy densities
      nuclear fission
      nuclear physics
            fission products
      biological effects
            radiation doses
            cosmic radiation during flight
      chain reaction
      uranium enrichment
      fissile breeding
      first plutonium breeder reactors
      graphite as moderator
      first reactors
            Chicago Pile 1
            graphite behavior
            X-10 reactor
                  fuel reprocessing
            Hanford B Reactor
            Windscale Piles
            pool-type reactors
      power plant reactors
      decay heat problems
      reactor classes
      basic reactor classes
      reactor characteristics
      xenon poisoning, iodine pit
      anatomy of power plant
      Chernobyl plant
            reactor vessel
                  neutron reflectors
                  graphite contamination
                  gas circuit
            fuel channels
                  fuel and channel failures
            fuel replacement
                  spent fuel
            startup neutron sources
            control rods
                  displacer effects
            additional absorbing rods
            core layout
            coolant system
                  separator drums
                  piping circuit
                  CPS cooling circuit
                  turbine circuit
                  coolant system temperatures
                  water handling
                  emergency cooling
            main circulating pumps
            control computer SKALA
      Main reactor control parameters
            turbogenerator coast test
                  turbogenerator coast test detailed plan
            reactor air cooling test
            turbine vibrations test
      test timeline
            control room
                  desk R, SIUR, reactor operator
                  desk P, senior unit control engineer
                  desk T, SIUT, senior turbine control engineer
            power sources/sinks
                  reactor, nucleus binding energy to thermal energy
                  night shift
                  morning shift
                  afternoon shift
                  night shift
      problems at other plants
            control room today
      radiation effects
            types of nuclear radiation
            dose vs dose rate
            radiation units
            health effects
      common doses and dose rates
            radiation-related accidents
            radiation effects on materials
            radiation effects on electronics
            radiation effects on living tissues
            external exposure
            internal exposure
            acute radiation poisoning
            intervention by nuclide
      radiation-related accidents
            criticality accidents
            tickling the dragon's tail
      Reactor explosions, fires and meltdowns
            energy vs temperature, cooling
            coolant types
            accident types
                  LOCA, loss of coolant accident
                  loss of pressure control
                  power excursion
                  core fires
            ECCS - emergency core cooling systems
      Notable incidents
            Windscale - fire
            EBR-1 - meltdown
            HTRE-3 - all-fuel-rods-damage meltdown
            SRE - partial meltdown
            Fermi-1 meltdown
            SL-1 - explosion
            Lucens reactor
            Three Mile Island - core meltdown
            Jaslovske Bohunice - localized meltdown

Chernobyl lectures

Video recordings:

chemical vs nuclear energy, energy densities

nuclear fission

nuclear physics

fission products

biological effects

radiation doses

cosmic radiation during flight

chain reaction


uranium enrichment

fissile breeding

first plutonium breeder reactors

graphite as moderator

first reactors

Chicago Pile 1

graphite behavior

X-10 reactor

fuel reprocessing

Hanford B Reactor

Windscale Piles

pool-type reactors

power plant reactors

decay heat problems

reactor classes

basic reactor classes

reactor characteristics

xenon poisoning, iodine pit

anatomy of power plant

Chernobyl plant


reactor vessel


neutron reflectors

graphite contamination

gas circuit

fuel channels


fuel and channel failures

fuel replacement

spent fuel

startup neutron sources

control rods

displacer effects

additional absorbing rods

core layout

coolant system

separator drums

piping circuit

CPS cooling circuit

turbine circuit


coolant system temperatures

water handling

emergency cooling

main circulating pumps


control computer SKALA

Main reactor control parameters







turbogenerator coast test

turbogenerator coast test detailed plan

reactor air cooling test

turbine vibrations test

test timeline


control room

desk R, SIUR, reactor operator

desk P, senior unit control engineer

desk T, SIUT, senior turbine control engineer

power sources/sinks

reactor, nucleus binding energy to thermal energy




night shift

morning shift

afternoon shift

night shift

main data source (Karpan) at

first explosion:

second explosion:

33GW recorded peak power, 300+GW estimated

problems at other plants





control room today


radiation effects

types of nuclear radiation

dose vs dose rate

radiation units

health effects

ambiguity for doses below 100 mSv
radiation burn
radiation burn from fluoroscopy (beam-through)

common doses and dose rates

cosmic radiation vs altitude
98 nSv       "banana equivalent dose", dose from potassium-40 in one standard banana
5-10 uSv     dental radiograph
80 uSv       one-time average dose within 10 miles from Three Mile Island mishap
400-600 uSv  one two-view mammogram
1 mSv        limit annual total effective dose for civilians, US
1.5-1.7 mSv  annual dose, flight attendants
10-30 mSv    full-body CT scan
50 mSv       limit annual total effective dose, occupational, US; averages 5.7 uSv/h
68 mSv       max one-time dose for Fukushima evacuees
80 mSv       half-year on International Space Station
160 mSv      yearly dose for smokers of 30 cigarettes per day, mostly from Po-210 and Pb-210
250 mSv      half-year trip to Mars, cosmic rays
500 mSv      limit annual shallow dose equivalent to skin, occupational, US
1 Sv         career limit for NASA astronauts
4-5 Sv       LD 50/30 of acute radiation exposure - 50% death within 30 days
4.5-6 Sv     lethal doses from Goiania event
5.1 Sv       lethal dose for Daghlian, 1945 criticality accident, death 25 days later
10-17 Sv     lethal doses in Tokaimura criticality accident; 17 Sv dose survived for 83 days
21 Sv        lethal dose for Slotin, 1946 criticality accident, death 9 days later
36-45 Sv     lethal dose to Cecil Kelley, 1958 criticality accident, death in 35 hours
54 Sv        lethal dose to Boris Korchilov, 1961 reactor cooling failure on K-19 submarine
64 Sv        dose over 21 years (350 uSv/h) to Albert Stevens, from 1945 plutonium injection experiment; died in age 79, 1966, from heart failure

yearly doses:

2.4 mSv      0.27 uSv/h     yearly global average natural background radiation dose
8 mSv        0.9 uSv/h      natural background radiation, Finland
24 mSv       2.7 uSv/h      cosmic radiation in aircraft, cruising altitude (~10 km)
130 mSv      15 uSv/h       ambient field in most radioactive house in Ramsar, Iran - natural
350 mSv      39.8 uSv/h     inside "The Claw", Chernobyl exclusion zone
800 mSv      90 uSv/h       monazite sand beach, Guarapari, Brazil, natural
             1 mSv/h        NRC definition of high radiation area
             190 mSv/h      peak radiation from Trinity test, 20 miles from ground zero, 3 hours after blast
             270 Sv/h       typical PWR reactor spent fuel, 10 years old, no shielding
             530-650 Sv/h   inside primary containment vessel of second BWR reactor, Fukushima

Chernobyl digger claw

radiation-related accidents

radiation effects on materials

radiation effects on electronics

radiation effects on living tissues

external exposure

internal exposure

acute radiation poisoning

ARS stages:

intervention by nuclide

radiation-related accidents


user interface
operation modes

criticality accidents

tickling the dragon's tail



room layout with people
Slotin's hands, freshly after t0



burns to left hand



Notable cases (t0=26 Apr 1986)

survival times: 11, 14**, 15*, 16, 17*, 18***, 20, 21*, 23*, 24*, 25, 30, 32, 34, 48*, 96, 100, 105

Reactor explosions, fires and meltdowns

energy vs temperature, cooling

coolant types

accident types

LOCA, loss of coolant accident

loss of pressure control

power excursion

core fires

ECCS - emergency core cooling systems

Notable incidents


Windscale - fire

EBR-1 - meltdown

core assembly
reactor building
part of melted core

HTRE-3 - all-fuel-rods-damage meltdown

SRE - partial meltdown

reactor schematics
reactor construction
reactor facility
reactor refueling head
partially melted fuel rod

Fermi-1 meltdown

reactor top
control room
reactor design

SL-1 - explosion

ejected control rod fallen on top of reactor
control rod lodged in support overhead structure
control rod rammed into ceiling
reactor removal
operator removal

Lucens reactor

Three Mile Island - core meltdown

plant schematics
terminal configuration

Jaslovske Bohunice - localized meltdown


Corium (nuclear reactor)



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