xtal oscillators
Mercury TN-021 technical note: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hazim_Tahir/post/What_result_does_selecting_the_wrong_load_capacitance_for_a_crystal_have/attachment/59d632fdc49f478072ea1e61/AS%3A273638526259200%401442251916272/download/tn-021.pdf
Pierce-gate oscillator crystal load calculation (Ramon Cerda): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hazim_Tahir/post/What_result_does_selecting_the_wrong_load_capacitance_for_a_crystal_have/attachment/59d632fdc49f478072ea1e62/AS%3A273638526259201%401442251916516/download/PierceGateLoadCap.pdf
Pierce oscillator
critical parts:
- amp/gate usually a NOT or NAND gate; beware of the device's rise/fall times and prop delays
- xtal (well, duh)
- Rfeedback 1..10 MΩ (100k..22MOhm)
biases the gate input at approx. Vcc/2 volts lower values increase feedback, but also increase circuit load lower for higher freq (10MOhm for 32kHz, 100kOhm for 10..20 MHz) integrated in xtal osc inputs of chips connect directly, not through Rseries
- Rseries 0..few kΩ, important for low frequencies to avoid overdriving, put on amp/gate output!
- Cx1, Cx2 loading caps, low dozen pF range, control voltage across xtal; don't forget to add parasitics (ballpark 5pF/pin + circuitboard, typ. 3pF)
- Cx1 typ. 0..30 pF (with an inverter), in some applications can be variable to trim freq
- Cx2 typ. 5..50 pF
- typical total load Cl are 12/15/18/20/22/32pF, typ. use Cx1=Cx2=Cl*2
pins OSC1,OSC2 or X1,X2
usually an inverting gate acting as amplifier/gain source
has input (sensing, 1, in, EXTAL), output (driving, 2, out, XTAL) (don't rely on numbering)
Cx1,Cx2 (Cin,Cout, Cx,Cy,...) usually same value, but higher Cout/Cin ratio can increase gain
higher capacitances:
- better freq stability
- higher current consumption
- longer startup time
- longer propagation delay
- lower loop gain
- less trimming range
- lower frequency of xtal (adjust to trim)
- usually NAND or NOT gate
- older parts (CMOS 40xx) are slow at low voltages, even moderate frequencies can be a problem (MC14049B doesn't want to work at 4V and 3.58 MHz!!!)
- gain critical for higher freq
driving powers
1 uW for tuning forks at kHz range
100 uW for UM1/UM5 in MHz range
1 mW for HC49/U in MHz range (up to 5 mW)
2 mW for HC51/U in MHz range
physically smaller xtals (rectangular strips vs bigger circular cuts) have lower max drive power, lower ESR, are more sensitive to mechanical shocks
example of Cx1,Cx2 effects:
Values shown are for a 4.9 MHz crystal, a typical M68HC11 drive circuit, and Vdd = 5V.
Voltage Changes for Varying Stabilizing Capacitors Cx and Cy:
Cx1= Cx2= V@EXTAL Crystal Power Dissipation
56 pF 56 pF 3.3 Vpp 100 µW
33 pF 56 pF 8.0 Vpp 199 µW
47 pF 56 pF 6.1 Vpp 207 µW
68 pF 68 pF 2.8 Vpp 102 µW
overdriving xtal (too much current flowing through)
symptom: frequency decreases or loses stability with increasing supply voltage
solution: add series resistor or lower supply voltage
too low Cload: won't start oscillating, the xtal ESR dampens oscillations
too high Cload: voltage swing reduced, may be below threshold for amp/inverter
power supply noise:
- can be greatly amplified by the amp/gate
- if harmonic to xtal, xtal may not start
- tying Cx1,Cx2 to power rail may be more stable reference than GND, espec. if ground has noise from return currents from power devices
- when problem, the Vout may be stuck at Vcc/2
long traces:
- coupling to ground
- coupling to noise
- parasitic inductances
- usually introduces stray resistances
- lowers gain by pulling pins down to GND across caps
- lowers Rfeedback, increases circuit load
- critical around gate input signal side
- if not starting at higher temp, amp overloaded; check contaminants and loading caps
- test also at low temp (-40c) if xtal starts
freq instability:
- usually overdriving or underdriving the xtal
high freq, over 10 MHz:
- gate gain drops with frequency (espec. important if feeding other circuits)
- stray capacitances more important
low frew, below 50 kHz:
- impedances very high
- amp may be too strong, tendency to overdrive
silicon geometry:
- die shrink: https://www.digikey.com/en/blog/why-my-crystal-does-not-start-up
- gate gain may depend on process used
- parasitics of the case can change
- adjust Cx1,Cx2
power variation test:
move Vcc from 3 to 5.5 volts (for 5v logic)
- freq should very slightly increase with voltage
- if freq decreases with voltage, crystal is overdriven!
- if no oscillation, lower Rfeedback
xtal freq test:
- measure xtal freq off-circuit, with good Cx1,Cx2
- put xtal in circuit, measure freq; if too different, suspect stray capacitances, reduce Cx
transients test:
- run board with exercising power switches, look for transients in wavefoms and on power/gnd rails
if not starting at all:
- check Cx1 side voltage; if Vcc/2, Rfeedback too high or noise prevents oscillations
fast-rising power can kick xtal on to oscillate
resonant freq: Fr, antiresonant (higher): Fa
between Fr and Fa xtal appears inductive (reactance positive)
series cap: pulls Fr up
parallel cap: pulls Fa down
thinner cuts for higher freq: 0.15mm at 15MHz
consider MEMS oscillators (SiTime, SiLabs)
- consider programmable parts + programmer (Time Machine II)
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