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Ultrasonic cleaning
Ultrasonic cleaning frequencies
20-25 kHz
35-45 kHz
130 kHz
Ultrasonic cleaning bath chemistries
Ultrasonic mist generation
Ultrasonic mist generation frequencies
108 kHz
113 kHz
142 kHz
1.7 MHz
2.4 MHz
Medical, energy delivery
Ultrasonic cleaning
the lower frequency, fewer larger bubbles, rougher action, more cavitation
the higher frequency, more smaller bubbles, smaller pitch between them, gentler action, better in-crevice penetration
frequency sweeping used to disperse modes, move bubbles around
Ultrasonic cleaning frequencies
15 to 400kHz used, with 40kHz most common, then 25kHz
25 and 40 kHz can be substituted for each other with adjustment to time, temperature, bath chemistry
20-25 kHz
large masses of metal where cavitation action on surface is not harmful
high energy per bubble
good for stainless and cast iron, may damage softer metal surfaces (aluminium, brass)
transducers on ebay
25 kHz, 60W
28 kHz, 50W
28 kHz, 100W
35-45 kHz
most common
compromise between roughess and precision
used in routine cleaning, in lab and sanitary sector
45kHz for light metal alloys
transducers on ebay
40 kHz, 35W, bare plate, 50mm dia, 2.6mm thick, very common
43 kHz, 35W, less common
41.5 kHz, 35x15x5mm rings, 1800pF, less info
40 kHz, 60W, horn, whole module
130 kHz
for precision optics, circuitboards, highly sensitive surfaces
transducers on ebay
120 kHz, 60W
Ultrasonic cleaning bath chemistries
chlorinated hydrocarbons
finest cleaning with higher cleaner concentration, higher bath temperature, lower ultrasound energy
Ultrasonic mist generation
the higher frequency the finer the mist
locate transducer so the cavitation happens just underneath the liquid surface
Ultrasonic mist generation frequencies
108 kHz
113 kHz
most common in mist generators and humidifiers
common on ebay, including driver circuits
diameters: 16mm, 20mm
142 kHz
less common
1.7 MHz
common on ebay
diameters: 20mm, 25mm
2.4 MHz
very fine mist
common on ebay, harder to find drivers
16mm diameter
Medical, energy delivery
1 MHz probes for Ultrason 101 on ebay
other 1 MHz transducers available
2 MHz
3.0 MHz
3.5 MHz, appears to be common as curved probe arrays for medical imaging
5 MHz, common for medical imaging
7.5 MHz
2.5-8 MHz
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