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Omicron Gama 131, welding inverter, reverse engineering and repair

main power bus stabilizer: BDW93C on heatsink, with zener diode BDW blown, zener interupted

CATHODE BAND [ref] Mini MELF Device Type Black General purpose Yellow Switching Green Schottky Blue Zener

LM324 SG3525AP (== UC3525, first by On Semi, second by Texas Instruments)

SG3525 gate drive: starts at about 12V Vcc then the drive FET and transformer overheat significantly

gate drive waveforms:

SMPS design calculators:

voltage conttrol:

TL431 2.5v reference, 4 µA pin current, max. 10mA pin current

100v output (say) 2.5v at 100v = 100k/2k5

divider: \ 100k 2k4 Vout o--------/\/\/\------/\/\/\--*--o GND \ 100k ZD >5v? -------/\/\/\--*--o Vref

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