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Uranium glass jewels



A bag of uranium glass cullet was obtained. Some pieces were of larger size and pretty appearance.


One large piece was chosen for the pendant, and two roughly matching smaller ones for the earrings.

A groove was cut around the top edge of each piece. A piece of copper wire was coiled through the groove, and a hanging eyelet was formed. The wire was then dipped in a soldering flux and soldered together carefully, at lowest possible temperature to not crack the glass. To maintain shiny silvery appearance, the entire length of the copper wire was tin-coated.

A drop of epoxy resin was then applied over/between the wire and the glass (after these were degreased with tetrachloroethylene), to ensure mechanical integrity of the joint.

The method was the same for all three pieces.

The glass shows fairly strong yellow-green fluorescence under near-ultraviolet light. Photographs were obtained using an ultraviolet LED lamp on 395-400 nm.


White background

White background

UV on white background

UV on white background

Black background, flash

Black background, flash

Black background, flash

Black background, flash

Under UV light

Under UV light

Under UV light

Under UV light

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