| Localhost. Local address of every machine. "Me". | | Unspecified | | Broadcast to all |
10.*.*.* | LANs; indicates you are behind NAT |
192.168.*.* | LANs; indicates you are behind NAT |
172.(16-31).*.* | LANs; indicates you are behind NAT. Unusual range. |
169.254.*.* | Assigned by Windows when DHCP unavailable. If you can access the Net, you are behind NAT. |
224.239.*.* | Reserved for multicast, not used for LANs |
240.255.*.* | Reserved by IANA |
IP | Internet Protocol - the protocol for internet connection. Parent of all following ones. |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol - for services where reliable delivery of data is needed. Doesn't |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol - for fire-and-forget packet delivery. There is no checking if the |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol - similar to UDP but without ports. Usually not used |