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SpeakFreely Sample Send
      Detection of your IP address:
      IP ranges and special IP addresses:
      Links and references:

SpeakFreely Sample Send

May need to be changed if you access the web through a third-party proxy,

Detection of your IP address:

Local IP address java applet supplied from
This indicates how the server sees you.

IP ranges and special IP addresses: Localhost. Local address of every machine. "Me". Unspecified  Broadcast to all
10.*.*.* LANs; indicates you are behind NAT
192.168.*.* LANs; indicates you are behind NAT
172.(16-31).*.*LANs; indicates you are behind NAT. Unusual range.
169.254.*.* Assigned by Windows when DHCP unavailable. If you can access the Net, you are behind NAT.
224.239.*.* Reserved for multicast, not used for LANs
240.255.*.* Reserved by IANA

Links and references:

IP: IP address, or Internet Protocol address, is the "home address" of every computer port number: Port number is the number of port on which a service is listening. Can be
  • you can run any service on any port, which is usual for avoiding detection or firewall piercing, but that's higher school.
  • protocol: Protocol is the class of connection requested. The most common protocols are:
    IPInternet Protocol - the protocol for internet connection. Parent of all following ones.
    TCPTransmission Control Protocol - for services where reliable delivery of data is needed. Doesn't
    UDPUser Datagram Protocol - for fire-and-forget packet delivery. There is no checking if the
    ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol - similar to UDP but without ports. Usually not used
    NAT: You have a firewall/router that acts as the gateway between your local network and Port mapping: When a packet or connection request comes to the external (visible from the Internet) side HowStuffWorks - How Network Address Translation Works
    Network Address Translation (NAT) FAQ

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