#!/bin/bash CR=" " # use this for symlinking all commands to the master command # grep '^ 8.*' _8control.sh |cut -d ')' -f 1|tr -d ' '|while read x; do ln -s _8control.sh $x; done # based on Octoprint API documentation, http://docs.octoprint.org/en/master/api/index.html CFGLOCMAIN=/etc/octocmd.conf CFGLOCLOC=~/.octocmd.conf if [ -f "$CFGLOCLOC" ]; then CFGLOC="$CFGLOCLOC"; else CFGLOC="$CFGLOCMAIN"; fi OCTOHOST=`cat $CFGLOC|grep OctoPrint_URL | cut -d '"' -f 4` OCTOKEY=`cat $CFGLOC|grep OctoAPI_KEY | cut -d '"' -f 4` CURLOPT="--connect-timeout 5 -m 3" VERBOSE="" # gcode temporary file, for pipe-to-print GTMP=/tmp/tmp.g # ejection variables - bowden length/Fspeed, tip correction length/Fspeed EJECT_BOWL=800 EJECT_BOWF=2500 EJECT_TIPL=3 EJECT_TIPF=700 # mapping between Raspi and Marlin GPIO lines for mutual communication PIN0_RASPI=26 ; PIN0_MARLIN=63 PIN1_RASPI=27 ; PIN1_MARLIN=40 PIN2_RASPI=28 ; PIN2_MARLIN=42 PIN3_RASPI=29 ; PIN3_MARLIN=65 help(){ echo "8control octoprint command suite, complementary to octocmd" echo "" echo "Global commands:" echo " -h this help" echo " -v verbose (show requests)" echo " -vv more verbose (show requests and headers)" echo "" echo "Config file location: $CFGLOCMAIN (or $CFGLOCLOC) (current=$CFGLOC)" grep '^ #8' "$0" |tr '#' ' ' } if [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then help;exit 0; fi if [ "$1" == "--help" ]; then help;exit 0; fi if [ "$1" == "-v" ]; then VERBOSE=1; shift; fi if [ "$1" == "-vv" ]; then VERBOSE=1; CURLOPT="$CURLOPT -i"; shift; fi if [ "$OCTOHOST" = "" ]; then echo "Cannot find configuration." echo "Looking for '$CFGLOCMAIN' or '$CFGLOCLOC' with format" echo '{' echo ' "OctoAPI_KEY": "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF",' echo ' "OctoPrint_URL": ""' echo '}' exit 1 fi #echo ${testx1/"`echo -e "\r"`"/} postjson(){ if [ "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "curl $CURLOPT -H \"X-Api-Key: $OCTOKEY\" -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -X POST -d \"${2/$CR/}\" \"$OCTOHOST/$1\""; echo; fi s="`curl -s $CURLOPT -H "X-Api-Key: $OCTOKEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "${2/$CR/}" "$OCTOHOST/$1" 2>&1`" if [ "$s" ]; then echo "$s"; fi } posturlenc(){ if [ "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "curl $CURLOPT -H \"X-Api-Key: $OCTOKEY\" -H \"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" -X POST -d \"${2/$CR/}\" \"$OCTOHOST/$1\""; echo; fi s="`curl -s $CURLOPT -H "X-Api-Key: $OCTOKEY" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST -d "${2/$CR/}" "$OCTOHOST/$1" 2>&1`" if [ "$s" ]; then echo "$s"; fi } postfile(){ # curl -k -H "X-Api-Key: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" -F "select=false" -F "print=false" -F "file=@[output_filepath]" "http://IPADDRESS/api/files/local" {STRIP "; postProcessing"} if [ "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "curl -k -s $CURLOPT -H \"X-Api-Key: $OCTOKEY\" -F \"select=$2\" -F \"print=$3\" -F \"file=@$1\" \"$OCTOHOST/$1\""; echo; fi s="`curl -k -s $CURLOPT -H "X-Api-Key: $OCTOKEY" -F "select=$2" -F "print=$3" -F "file=@$1" "$OCTOHOST/api/files/local" {STRIP "; postProcessing"} 2>&1`" if [ "$s" ]; then s2="`echo "$s"|grep '"done":'`"; if [ "$s2" ]; then echo $s2|tr -d '", ' else echo "$s" fi fi } getmsg(){ if [ "$VERBOSE" ]; then echo "curl $CURLOPT -H \"X-Api-Key: $OCTOKEY\" \"$OCTOHOST/$1\""; echo; fi s="`curl -s $CURLOPT -H "X-Api-Key: $OCTOKEY" "$OCTOHOST/$1" 2>&1`" if [ "$s" ]; then echo "$s"; fi } getstatus(){ getmsg api/connection | tr ',]}' '\n\n\n' |tr -d '"'|grep 'state:'|cut -d ':' -f 2 #| grep '"state":'|cut -d '"' -f 4 # Printing # Paused } sendM108_ssh(){ if [ -f "/bin/shad/3dprinter_forcestop" ]; then /bin/shad/3dprinter_forcestop; fi } sendg(){ GCMD="`echo "$1" | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`" # if [ "${GCMD:0:3}" == "G7 " ]; then # GCMD="$1" # fi if [ "$GCMD" == "M108" ]; then sendM108_ssh;fi # echo '{ "command": "'"$GCMD"'" }' postjson api/printer/command '{ "command": "'"$GCMD"'" }' } sendgcase(){ GCMD="$1" if [ "$GCMD" == "M108" ]; then sendM108_ssh;fi # echo '{ "command": "'"$GCMD"'" }' postjson api/printer/command '{ "command": "'"$GCMD"'" }' } CMD=`basename "$0"` if [ "$VERBOSE" ]; then if [ "$CMD" == "8status" ]; then CMD="8status_raw"; elif [ "$CMD" == "8gettemp" ]; then CMD="8gettemp_raw"; elif [ "$CMD" == "8getbed" ]; then CMD="8getbed_raw"; fi fi # use fixed format for facilitation of help and install: # two spaces before command, for installer # one space and hash for command help case "$CMD" in #8checkcfg check 8control's configuration 8checkcfg) echo "Octoprint host: $OCTOHOST" echo "Octoprint API key: '$OCTOKEY'" echo "Config file: '$CFGLOC'" ;; #8apiver show API and server version 8apiver) getmsg api/version ;; #8statusraw show controller connection status, raw JSON 8status_raw) getmsg api/connection ;; #8status show controller connection status, status only 8status) if [ "$1" != "-q" ]; then echo "Machine: $OCTOHOST"; fi getstatus ;; #8connect connect controller to server 8connect) postjson api/connection '{ "command": "connect" }' ;; #8disconnect disconnect controller from server 8disconnect) postjson api/connection '{ "command": "disconnect" }' ;; #8reconnect disconnect, reset, connect 8reconnect) postjson api/connection '{ "command": "disconnect" }' sleep 0.2 postjson api/system/commands/custom/reset sleep 0.5 postjson api/connection '{ "command": "connect" }' ;; # todo: more commands into array #8g "" send gcode to controller #8gcode "" send gcode to controller 8g|8gcode) sendg "`echo "$@"`";; 8gcase) sendgcase "`echo "$@"`";; #8g0 "" send G0 command to controller 8g0) sendg "G0 `echo "$@"`" ;; #8g1 "" send G1 command to controller 8g1) sendg "G1 `echo "$@"`" ;; #8speed override speed, in percents 8speed) sendg "M220 S$1";; #8feed override filament feed, in percents 8feed) sendg "M221 S$1";; #8start start loaded print job #8print start loaded print job 8start|8print) postjson api/job '{ "command": "start" }' ;; #8restart restart print job 8restart) postjson api/job '{ "command": "restart" }' ;; # todo: handle pausing toggle - pause just pauses, unpause unpauses #8pause_raw pause/unpause running job, raw call 8pause_raw) postjson api/job '{ "command": "pause" }' ;; #8pause pause running job 8pause) postjson api/job '{ "command": "pause", "action": "pause" }' ;; # 8pause) STATUS=`getstatus` # if [ "$STATUS" == "Printing" ]; then postjson api/job '{ "command": "pause" }'; fi ;; #8resume resume running job 8resume) postjson api/job '{ "command": "pause", "action": "resume" }' ;; # 8resume) STATUS=`getstatus` # if [ "$STATUS" == "Paused" ]; then postjson api/job '{ "command": "pause" }'; fi ;; #8cancel cancel running job 8cancel) #if [ -f "/bin/shad/3dprinter_forcestop" ]; then /bin/shad/3dprinter_forcestop; fi sendg "M108";sendg "M77"; # cancel job, stop timer postjson api/job '{ "command": "cancel" }' ;; #8xcancel cancel running job, keep temperature setting of the tools 8xcancel) TEMP0=`8gettemp|grep target:|head -n1|cut -d ':' -f 2` TEMPB=`8getbed |grep target:|head -n1|cut -d ':' -f 2` echo Cancelling job 8cancel echo Setting tool and bed back to $TEMP0:$TEMPB 8settemp $TEMP0 8setbed $TEMPB echo Homing 8home ;; #status: Operational, Connecting, #8home home printer head 8home) postjson api/printer/printhead '{ "command": "home", "axes": [ "x","y","z"] }' ;; # 8home) sendg "G28 S1" ;; # uses shad's mod to not safe the head #8jog jog printer head by x,y,z mm #8jog jog printer head by z mm 8jog) x=$1; y=$2; z=$3; if [ "$y" == "" ]; then x=0;y=0;z=$1; fi # invert the values to make the increments match the G1 position signs if [ "${x:0:1}" == "-" ]; then x=${x:1}; else x=-$x; fi if [ "${y:0:1}" == "-" ]; then y=${y:1}; else y=-$y; fi if [ "${z:0:1}" == "-" ]; then z=${z:1}; else z=-$z; fi postjson api/printer/printhead '{ "command": "jog", "x": '$x', "y": '$y', "z": '$z' }' ;; # todo: handle more heads than just tool0 #8settemp set tool0 to 'C, M104 S 8settemp) postjson api/printer/tool '{ "command": "target", "targets": { "tool0": '$1' } }' ;; #8setbed set bed to 'C, M140 S 8setbed) postjson api/printer/bed '{ "command": "target", "target": '$1' }' ;; #8settempr adjust tool0 by 'C, M104 R S; firmware MUST support Shad's R extension 8settempr) sendg "M104 R S$1" ;; #8setbedr set bed to 'C, M140 R S; firmware MUST support Shad's R extension 8setbedr) sendg "M140 R S$1" ;; #8ex extrude millimeters of filament (negative to retract) #8extrude extrude millimeters of filament (negative to retract) 8ex) postjson api/printer/tool '{ "command": "extrude", "amount": '$1' }' ;; 8extrude) postjson api/printer/tool '{ "command": "extrude", "amount": '$1' }' ;; #8fex [mm/min] fast extrude millimeters of filament (negative to retract) with optional speed 8fex) SP="$2"; if [ ! "$SP" ]; then SP=2000;fi postjson api/printer/command '{ "commands": ["G91","G1 E'$1' F'$SP'","G90"] }' ;; #8eject [-t temp] eject filament, optionally heat head before 8eject) if [ "$1" == "-t" ]; then 8settemp "$2"; 8alarm t "$2"; fi postjson api/printer/command '{ "commands": ["G91","G1 E'$EJECT_TIPL' F'$EJECT_TIPF'","G1 E-'$EJECT_BOWL' F'$EJECT_BOWF'","G90"] }' if [ "$1" == "-t" ]; then 8settemp 0; fi;; #8gmulti []... send several commands in one transaction 8gmulti) CMD='["'$1'"'; while [ "$2" ]; do if [ "$2" ]; then CMD="$CMD"',"'$2'"';shift;fi done CMD="$CMD"'] }' CMD="{ \"commands\": `echo "$CMD"|tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`" echo "$CMD" postjson api/printer/command "$CMD" ;; # #8fastex extrude millimeters of filament (negative to retract) # 8fex) postjson api/printer/tool '{ "command": "extrude", "amount": '$1' }' ;; #g91;g1 e500 f2000;g90 #8upload upload gcode file 8upload) FN="$1"; if [ "$1" == "-" ]; then FN="$GTMP"; cat > "$GTMP" else if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then echo "File '$1' not found.";exit 1 fi fi postfile "$FN" false false;; #8runfile upload gcode file as tmp.g and execute it 8runfile) FN="$1"; if [ "$1" == "-" ]; then FN="$GTMP"; cat > "$GTMP" else if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then echo "File '$1' not found.";exit 1 fi fi if [ "$1" != "-" ]; then cat "$1" > "$GTMP"; fi postfile "$GTMP" true true;; #8fan control the head fan 8fan) if [ "$1" == "on" ]; then sendg "M106 S255"; elif [ "$1" == "off" ]; then sendg "M107"; else sendg "M106 S$1"; fi;; #8fan2 control the bed fan (M42 P57) 8fan2) if [ "$1" == "on" ]; then sendg "M42 P57 S255"; elif [ "$1" == "off" ]; then sendg "M42 P57 S0"; fi;; # 8click) send M108, simulate panel click 8click) sendg "M108" ;; # 8getpos) get position via M114 8getpos) sendg "M114" ;; ### 8waitfinish) wait for all movements finished, M400 ## 8waitfinish) sendg "M400" ;; # 8waitend) wait until print job finishes 8waitend) s2="Printing" while true; do s=`8status -q|tr -d ' '` echo -ne "`date`: [$s]\r" if [ "$s" != "$s2" ]; then echo; fi s2=$s if [ "$s" == "Operational" ]; then break; fi sleep 10 # if [ "$s" == "Printing" ]; then sleep 10; continue; fi # if [ "$s" == "Paused" ]; then sleep 5; continue; fi # if [ "$s" == "" ]; then sleep 5; continue; fi # error # break done;; # 8sleep) wait for n seconds, G4 S 8sleep) sendg "G4 S$1" ;; # 8sleepms) wait for n milliseconds, G4 P 8sleepms) sendg "G4 P$1" ;; # 8stepon) switch on steppers, M17 8stepon) sendg "M17" ;; # 8stepoff) switch off steppers, M18 8stepoff) sendg "M18" ;; #8gettemp_raw show tool temperature 8gettemp_raw) getmsg api/printer/tool ;; #8gettemp show tool temperature # 8gettemp) getmsg api/printer/tool | grep ' "'|tr -d '{}, "' ;; 8gettemp) getmsg api/printer/tool | tr '{,' '\n\n' | grep 'actual'|tr -d '{}, "' | cut -d ':' -f 2 ;; #8getbed show bed temperature, raw JSON 8getbed_raw) getmsg api/printer/bed ;; #8getbed show bed temperature # 8getbed) getmsg api/printer/bed | grep ' "'|tr -d '{}, "' ;; 8getbed) getmsg api/printer/bed | tr '{,' '\n\n' | grep 'actual'|tr -d '{}, "' | cut -d ':' -f 2 ;; #8servo set servo angle 8servo) sendg "M280 P$1 S$2" ;; # run the system command like from the menu #8run run system-menu custom command (see .octoprint/config.yaml or 8ListCmds for commands) 8run) postjson api/system/commands/custom/"$1" ;; #8reset run system-menu command "reset" 8reset) postjson api/system/commands/custom/reset ;; #8on power up the printer 8on) postjson api/system/commands/custom/reset sendg "M80" ;; #postjson api/system/commands/custom/on ;; #8off power down the printer 8off) #postjson api/system/commands/custom/off ;; sendg "M81" ;; #8ListCmds list system commands (raw JSON) # 8ListCmds) getmsg api/system/commands ;; 8ListCmds) getmsg api/system/commands | tr ',]}' '\n\n\n' ;; #8ls_raw list available files (raw JSON) # 8ls_raw) getmsg api/files ;; 8ls_raw) getmsg api/files | tr ',]}' '\n\n\n' ;; #8ls list available files # 8ls) getmsg api/files | grep "\"name\":" | cut -d '"' -f 4 ;; 8ls) getmsg api/files | tr ',]}' '\n\n\n' | grep "\"name\":" | cut -d '"' -f 4 ;; #8ll show info for (raw JSON) 8ll) getmsg "api/files/local/$1" | tr ',]}' '\n\n\n' ;; #8fselect select 8fselect) postjson api/files/local/"$1" '{ "command": "select", "print": false }' ;; #8getjob information about current job, raw JSON 8getjob) getmsg api/job | tr ',]}' '\n\n\n';; #8msg "" show message on display via M117 gcode 8msg) postjson api/printer/command '{ "command": "M117 '"$1"'" }' ;; #8beep [n [f]] beep via M300 gcode [optionally for n milliseconds [at f Hz]] 8beep) BEEPLEN="$1"; if [ "$BEEPLEN" == "" ];then BEEPLEN=500;fi BEEPFRE="$2"; if [ "$BEEPFRE" == "" ];then BEEPFRE=2000;fi postjson api/printer/command '{ "command": "M300 P'"$BEEPLEN"' S'"$BEEPFRE"'" }' ;; 8gsetpin|8gwaitpin) case "$2" in 1|H|h) val=1;; 0|L|l) val=0;; P|p) val="P";; # pulse R|r) val="R";; # rising edge F|f) val="F";; # falling edge *) echo "Unknown value: '$2'. Aborting.";exit 255;; esac case "$1" in 0) pin=$PIN0_MARLIN;; 1) pin=$PIN1_MARLIN;; 2) pin=$PIN2_MARLIN;; 3) pin=$PIN3_MARLIN;; *) echo "Unknown pin number: '$1'. Aborting.";exit 255;; esac case $CMD in 8gsetpin) echo $val case "$val" in 0) #echo "M42 P$pin S0" sendg "M42 P$pin S0";; 1) #echo "M42 P$pin S255" sendg "M42 P$pin S255";; P) pwait=50;pwait2=10 postjson api/printer/command "{ \"commands\": [\"M42 P$pin S0\",\"G4 P$pwait2\",\"M42 P$pin S255\",\"G4 P$pwait\",\"M42 P$pin S0\"] }";; R) pwait=10 postjson api/printer/command "{ \"commands\": [\"M42 P$pin S0\",\"G4 P$pwait\",\"M42 P$pin S255\"] }";; F) pwait=10 postjson api/printer/command "{ \"commands\": [\"M42 P$pin S255\",\"G4 P$pwait\",\"M42 P$pin S0\"] }";; *) echo "Error: val can't be '$val'." esac;; 8gwaitpin) case "$val" in 0) sendg "M226 P$pin S0";8msg;; 1) sendg "M226 P$pin S1";8msg;; R) postjson api/printer/command "{ \"commands\": [\"M226 P$pin S0\",\"M226 P$pin S1\"] }";8msg;; F|P) postjson api/printer/command "{ \"commands\": [\"M226 P$pin S1\",\"M226 P$pin S0\"] }";8msg;; esac;; *) echo "Unknown command: '$CMD'. Aborting.";exit 255;; esac;; 8getpin) case "$1" in 0) pin=$PIN0_RASPI;; 1) pin=$PIN1_RASPI;; 2) pin=$PIN2_RASPI;; 3) pin=$PIN3_RASPI;; *) echo "Unknown pin number: '$1'. Aborting.";exit 255;; esac gpio read $pin;; 8setpin|8waitpin) case "$1" in 0) pin=$PIN0_RASPI;; 1) pin=$PIN1_RASPI;; 2) pin=$PIN2_RASPI;; 3) pin=$PIN3_RASPI;; *) echo "Unknown pin number: '$1'. Aborting.";exit 255;; esac case "$2" in 1|H|h) val=1;; 0|L|l) val=0;; P|p) val="P";; # pulse R|r) val="R";; # rising edge F|f) val="F";; # falling edge *) echo "Unknown value: '$2'. Aborting.";exit 255;; esac case $CMD in 8setpin) gpio mode $pin out case "$val" in 0|1) gpio write $pin $val;; P) gpio write $pin 0;gpio write $pin 1;gpio write $pin 0;; R) gpio write $pin 0;gpio write $pin 1;; F) gpio write $pin 1;gpio write $pin 0;; esac;; 8waitpin) gpio mode $pin in echo "Waitig for pin $pin to become $val..." case "$val" in 0|1) while true; do if [ `gpio read $pin` == $val ]; then break; fi; done;; R) while true; do if [ `gpio read $pin` == 0 ]; then break; fi; done while true; do if [ `gpio read $pin` == 1 ]; then break; fi; done;; F|P) while true; do if [ `gpio read $pin` == 1 ]; then break; fi; done while true; do if [ `gpio read $pin` == 0 ]; then break; fi; done;; esac;; *) echo "Unknown command: '$CMD'. Aborting.";exit 255;; esac;; # sendg "M$mval P$pin S$val";; #8alarm [d] wait until ip or ed reaches temperature T ("d" for decreasing), then beep and exit #8alarmq [d] wait until ip or ed reaches temperature T ("d" for decreasing), then quietly exit 8alarm|8alarmq) if [ "$1" == "d" ]; then comp="-le";comp2=">";shift;else comp="-ge";comp2="<";fi if [ "$1" == "t" ]; then tempcmd="8gettemp";tipno=1;tempend="tip" elif [ "$1" == "b" ]; then tempcmd="8getbed"; tipno=1;tempend="bed"; else echo -e "Unknown parameter '$1'.\nUsage: $CMD [d] \nWaits for ip or ed reaching temperature, optionally for [d]ecreasing, then beeps and exits." exit 1 fi while true; do #temp2=`$tempcmd |grep 'actual'|head -n $tipno|tail -n1|cut -d ':' -f 2` #temp=`echo $temp2 |cut -d '.' -f 1` tempR=`$tempcmd|cut -d '.' -f 1` temp=`echo $tempR|cut -d '.' -f 1` #echo temp=$temp comp=$comp val=$2 tempcmd="$tempcmd" tempend="$tempend" if [ "$temp" == "" ]; then echo "ERR: temp value not received: $tempR"; elif [ $temp $comp $2 ]; then echo "$tempend temperature $2'C reached. ";if [ "$CMD" == "8alarm" ]; then 8beep;fi exit 0; fi echo -en "$tempend temperature $temp'C $comp2 $2'C, waiting...\r";sleep 2 done;; *) echo "_8control.sh: unknown command '$CMD'." ;; esac